As a Celebrity Agent client, one of the most effective tools at your disposal for nurturing leads and engaging with your client database is email marketing with Elevate. However, for our email marketing efforts to have the highest likelihood for success, it’s crucial that the emails we send not only reach their intended recipients but also inspire engagement and action.

A significant factor that determines the success of email marketing campaigns is the email address used as the sender. In this post, we will explore what role-based email addresses are, why they are not ideal for email marketing, and what type of email address should used instead.

What Are Role-Based Email Addresses?

Role-based email addresses are generic email addresses that are not tied to a specific individual but instead to a job role or a department within your organization. Examples include,,,,,,, or

Role-based email addresses are usually shared among team members and are used to manage general inquiries or issues related to their corresponding functions.

Why You Shouldn’t Use Role-Based Email Addresses for Outbound Email Marketing

There are several reasons why using a role-based email address for outbound email marketing is not the best practice:

1. Lower Delivery Rate

Email service providers (ESPs) and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) often view role-based email addresses with suspicion. They’re more likely to filter emails from these addresses into spam or junk folders, significantly lowering your delivery rates. The reason? Role-based email addresses are often associated with spammy practices, given their anonymous nature and widespread use by spammers.

2. Poor Personalization

Email personalization is key to engagement. When a recipient sees an email from a role-based address, they’re likely to perceive it as impersonal or automated, reducing their motivation to open and engage with it. On the other hand, an email sent from a specific person feels more personalized, increasing the chances of it being opened and read.

3. Negative Impact on Sender Reputation

Using a role-based email address can negatively affect your sender reputation. Email service providers track the reputation of email senders. If your emails are often marked as spam or frequently bounce, your sender reputation takes a hit. This can affect your future email deliverability rates.

What Type of Email Address Should You Use Instead?

The ideal choice for outbound email marketing is to use a personal, name-based email address. This type of email address typically includes the name of a specific person in the organization. For instance,

Here’s why a name-based email address is advantageous:

1. Greater Trust and Credibility

A name-based email address fosters a sense of trust and credibility. It shows recipients that there is a real person behind the email, making them more likely to engage with the content.

2. Higher Open Rates

Personalized email addresses often result in higher open rates, as they help avoid spam filters and are more inviting to recipients.

3. Better Engagement

A name-based email fosters a sense of personal connection, which can lead to better engagement. Recipients are more likely to respond when they believe they’re interacting with a real person rather than a faceless entity.

In conclusion, if you want to get the most out of Elevate, it’s best to steer clear of role-based email addresses. Instead, opt for a personal, name-based email address to increase delivery rates, enhance sender reputation, and ultimately, allow us to achieve better engagement with your leads.