Make A Million

Home Make a Million by Marketing to the Buyers Who Bought Your Old Listings Here is a tip for listing agents to dramatically boost commissions over 5 to 10 years. If you are a West Coast agent, you can make a million dollars in commissions this way, easily. ->...

Brand Equity

What is a Realtor’s brand? It’s the number of relationships x the depth of those relationships. The quantity & the quality. The number of people who know, like & trust a Realtor has a direct correlation to the value of their brand… and therefore the value of...

Previous Addressable Customer?

Home Celebrity Agent Steps Up to Fill Void for Real Estate Agents   The Advanced, Data-Driven Direct Mail Solutions Help Massively Post-Addressable Closure. SAN FRANCISCO, CA, UNITED STATES, November 21, 2023 / — San Francisco, CA, November 21, 2023...

Mass Intimacy

Home The Meaning of Mass Intimacy Mass intimacy is a phrase I borrowed from the top marketers in the Bay Area, where I live. They are famous for many campaigns, including the Got Milk? campaign.  They point out that in modern times, we are bombarded with ads. When you...

Master Your Responses

Home What to Say to Owners who Reply to Your Buyer Concierge Campaign Across all of our accounts, we see a response rate to Buyer Concierge campaigns of approximately 2%. Our best campaigns see a response rate as high as 10%. There are three categories of homeowner...

Buyer Concierge Commissions

Home The Many Ways We’ve Seen Buyer Concierge Create a Commission Buyer Concierge is software that works with your buyer to create a list of off-market homes that meet the needs of your buyer. You could think of it as a Zillow search by your buyer but instead of...